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Olivia & Anders — Minted





We get it!

We know first hand that traveling to the other side of the world is a massive effort, a significant cost, and takes a lot of time. It means the world to us that you're coming to Sydney for our wedding. We know you will love this city as much as we do.

The most important travel tip is to be flexible and patient.

Passports and Visas

All foreigners need a passport to enter Australia.

Americans will need to apply for an Electronic Travel Authority. You will be required to download the Australian ETA app which incurs a service charge of AUD20. More information can be found here
Video instructions of the ETA app can be found here. 

Getting here

The only way to get to Sydney is by plane. Our favourite airlines to fly to Australia are Qantas or United, as flights generally include baggage and the flight attendants are helpful with children.

From the United States, it is best to lay over in Dallas, Los Angeles or San Francisco, and to give yourself enough time to navigate changing terminals. You can also fly directly from New York to Sydney (refuelling in Auckland.)

You will need a passport and to complete an ESTA form.

Time zones and jet lag

Keep in mind when booking your flights you will be crossing the international date line. This means you will lose/gain a day on the way here, and lose/gain a day on the way back, depending on where you are traveling from.

The best way to beat jet lag is to sleep if you can on the flight, and adjust your digestive system and meal times to your destination time zone as quickly as you can. When you get here, it is best to wake up and go to sleep with the sun.

Speaking of the sun...

Please wear sunscreen every day in Australia, no matter the time of year you come or your skin tone. In Australia, we're exposed to some of the harshest levels of ultraviolet radiation in the world. You don't want to be dealing with a sunburn in black tie attire! Make sure you pack a hat, sunglasses, and sun protective clothing.

us presidential election

Conveniently, the Americans traveling to Sydney will likely miss the US election! As you research for your trip to Australia, you may be interested in voting for things like maternity leave, universal healthcare and a liveable minimum wage. You can vote in the US election by early voting (if your state allows) or voting absentee.

Check if your state allows early voting here.

Check your state's absentee ballot request deadlines here.

Get your absentee ballot here.